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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 results
Biden-Harris administration announces over $140M for water infrastructure in EPA Region 8 states
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces over $140M for water infrastructure in EPA Region 8 states
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Biden-Harris Administration requires replacement of lead pipes within 10 years, announces over $168M in funding to EPA Region 8 states
EPA announces new final regulations and funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda for clean drinking water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration requires replacement of lead pipes within 10 years, announces over $168M in funding to EPA Region 8 states
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $42 million loan to strengthen water infrastructure, drought resilience in Utah
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $42 million loan to strengthen water infrastructure, drought resilience in Utah
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EPA announces over $28.6M for Utah lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
Latest round of funding advances President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation
EPA News Release: EPA announces over $28.6M for Utah lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
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Biden-Harris Administration announces over $43M for Utah water infrastructure upgrades
Unprecedented funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is transforming communities across the state
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces over $43M for Utah water infrastructure upgrades
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EPA offers Utah $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
Infrastructure funding available at no cost to small, financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: EPA offers Utah $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
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Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $62 million for drinking water infrastructure upgrades in Utah
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $62 million for drinking water infrastructure upgrades in Utah
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EPA celebrates recreational improvements along the Ogden and Weber Rivers to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA celebrates recreational improvements along the Ogden and Weber Rivers to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Clean Water Act
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EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Karl and David Lamb to restore portions of the Duchesne River and floodplain impacted by unpermitted construction activities
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
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EPA Announces $348.6 Million Water Infrastructure Loan to Salt Lake City
Nationally, EPA’s 28 WIFIA loans are helping finance more than $13 billion in water infrastructure projects
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $348.6 Million Water Infrastructure Loan to Salt Lake City
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EPA Region 8 continues to aggressively address PFAS
Building on assistance provided to Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming, Trump Administration continues to address PFAS affecting water and drinking water resources
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 continues to aggressively address PFAS
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Salt Lake City invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure project funding that will reduce nutrient pollution
EPA Invites 38 new projects to apply for loans that will provide water infrastructure upgrades for 24 million Americans and create up to 190,000 jobs
EPA News Release: Salt Lake City invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure project funding that will reduce nutrient pollution
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Fargo, N.D. invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure financing for project that will help manage stormwater flooding
EPA Invites 38 New Projects to apply for loans that will provide water infrastructure upgrades for 24 million Americans and create up to 190,000 jobs
EPA News Release: Fargo, N.D. invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure financing for project that will help manage stormwater flooding
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EPA awards Utah Department of Environmental Quality $959k to restore fisheries, improve water quality and rehabilitate lakes
One project plans to return Pelican Lake to Blue Ribbon fishery status
EPA News Release: EPA awards Utah Department of Environmental Quality $959k to restore fisheries, improve water quality and rehabilitate lakes
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U.S. EPA approves Navajo Nation and Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation authority to develop water quality standards
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA approves Navajo Nation and Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation authority to develop water quality standards
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