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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
Benton-Franklin Council of Governments is selected for $600,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
Funds will be used to conduct assessments and cleanup planning in support of rejuvenating formerly contaminated properties in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland
EPA News Release: Benton-Franklin Council of Governments is selected for $600,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
- Release Date:
EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
- Release Date:
EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
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EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
Diesel pollution reduction projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska get a big boost
EPA News Release: EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
- Release Date:
EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
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EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
Funding aims to empower underserved communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
- Release Date: