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Displaying 106 - 120 of 402 results
Biden-Harris Administration Selects Five Recipients to Receive Nearly $15M in Grants to Address Climate-Damaging Hydrofluorocarbons as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Five Recipients to Receive Nearly $15M in Grants to Address Climate-Damaging Hydrofluorocarbons as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Names Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2023
Los Angeles, Washington, New York, Atlanta, and San Francisco make top five, cutting energy costs while increasing efficiency, reducing emissions
EPA News Release: EPA Names Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2023
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $2 Million Through Investing in America Agenda to Restore and Revitalize Arizona Communities
Funded by $1.5 billion national investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities through Brownfields projects
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $2 Million Through Investing in America Agenda to Restore and Revitalize Arizona Communities
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $3 Million Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Southern California
Funded by $1.5 billion national investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities through Brownfields projects
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $3 Million Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Southern California
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Maui Communities through the Investing in America Agenda
Funded by $1.5 billion national investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities through Brownfields projects
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Maui Communities through the Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
May 16 outreach event will provide opportunity for attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
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EPA Announces ENERGY STAR® NextGen™ Certification for New Homes and Apartments
EPA News Release: EPA Announces ENERGY STAR® NextGen™ Certification for New Homes and Apartments
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More Than 200 Tribes and Four Territories Covered by Climate Action Plans with Support from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
Key milestone reached as part of $5B Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program
EPA News Release: More Than 200 Tribes and Four Territories Covered by Climate Action Plans with Support from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
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EPA Announces $28.7 Million for California Lead Pipe Replacement to Advance Safe Drinking Water
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces the latest round of funding toward President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation, protecting public health and helping to deliver safe drinkin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $28.7 Million for California Lead Pipe Replacement to Advance Safe Drinking Water
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority to Receive $156M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Missouri
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority to Receive $156M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Missouri
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Center for Rural Affairs to Receive $62.4M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Nebraska
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Center for Rural Affairs to Receive $62.4M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Nebraska
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Tennessee to Receive $156,120,000 to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Tennessee
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Tennessee to Receive $156,120,000 to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Tennessee
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Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget to Receive Over $156 Million to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across Puerto Rico
EPA announces selectees for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget to Receive Over $156 Million to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across Puerto Rico
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VIEO to Receive Over $62 Million from EPA to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across the U.S. Virgin Islands
EPA announces selectees for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: VIEO to Receive Over $62 Million from EPA to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $156 Million to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Arizona
EPA announces selectees under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged communities through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $156 Million to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Arizona
- Release Date: