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Displaying 46 - 60 of 70 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $250 Million to Fund Innovative Projects That Tackle Climate Pollution
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $250 Million to Fund Innovative Projects That Tackle Climate Pollution
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EPA Proposes to Add Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and PFAS to National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for FY 2024-2027
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes to Add Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and PFAS to National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for FY 2024-2027
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EPA Announces Availability of $50 Million to Support States and Tribes Developing Programs for Carbon Sequestration and Groundwater Protection
Grants funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of $50 Million to Support States and Tribes Developing Programs for Carbon Sequestration and Groundwater Protection
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La EPA procura obtener la opinión del público sobre los programas de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación para combatir el cambio climático, proteger la salud y promover la justicia ambiental
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA procura obtener la opinión del público sobre los programas de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación para combatir el cambio climático, proteger la salud y promover la justicia ambiental
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EPA, 기후 변화에 맞서 싸우고 미국인의 건강을 보호하며 환경 정의를 발전시키기 위해 인플레이션 감축 법안 프로그램을 주제로 공청회 개최
Korean translation of EPA News Release: EPA, 기후 변화에 맞서 싸우고 미국인의 건강을 보호하며 환경 정의를 발전시키기 위해 인플레이션 감축 법안 프로그램을 주제로 공청회 개최
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وكالة حماية البيئة (EPA) تلتمس مساهمات الجمهور بشأن قانون خفض التضخم (IRA) للتصدي للتغيرات المناخية وحماية الصحة وتعزيز العدالة البيئية
Arabic translation of EPA News Release: وكالة حماية البيئة (EPA) تلتمس مساهمات الجمهور بشأن قانون خفض التضخم (IRA) للتصدي للتغيرات المناخية وحماية الصحة وتعزيز العدالة البيئية
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EPA Seeks Public Input on Inflation Reduction Act Programs to Fight Climate Change, Protect Health, and Advance Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Public Input on Inflation Reduction Act Programs to Fight Climate Change, Protect Health, and Advance Environmental Justice
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EPA Celebrates Children’s Health Month, Highlighting Unprecedented Investment in Protecting Children’s Health
Historic levels of funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act will go towards protecting children
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Children’s Health Month, Highlighting Unprecedented Investment in Protecting Children’s Health
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La EPA lanza el desafío Hablemos del calor para generar consciencia sobre los riesgos extremos del calor
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA lanza el desafío Hablemos del calor para generar consciencia sobre los riesgos extremos del calor
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EPA Releases White Paper on Reducing Climate Pollution from New Gas-Fired Turbines
EPA News Release: EPA Releases White Paper on Reducing Climate Pollution from New Gas-Fired Turbines
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EPA settlements with Crescent Point Energy and EP Energy resolve Clean Air Act violations in Utah
Agreements reflect efforts to secure compliance with clean air requirements in Ozone Nonattainment Area
EPA News Release: EPA settlements with Crescent Point Energy and EP Energy resolve Clean Air Act violations in Utah
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EPA Publishes State-Level Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, Resources to Promote State Action on Climate
EPA News Release: EPA Publishes State-Level Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, Resources to Promote State Action on Climate
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EPA Announces Selection of 11 Organizations to Receive $2 Million to Help Tackle the Climate Crisis Through Food Diversion
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Selection of 11 Organizations to Receive $2 Million to Help Tackle the Climate Crisis Through Food Diversion
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EPA Announces Effort to Help Bring Climate-Friendly New Chemicals to Market to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Effort to Help Bring Climate-Friendly New Chemicals to Market to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
Agency actions address the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, protect the health of communities, and restore the role of science
EPA News Release: EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
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