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EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants to Accelerate Clean Energy Solutions, Combat the Climate Crisis, and Save Families Money
On the 2-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, award recipients can now begin accessing funds to mobilize financing for thousands of climate and clean energy projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants to Accelerate Clean Energy Solutions, Combat the Climate Crisis, and Save Families Money
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EPA Publishes its 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan
EPA News Release: EPA Publishes its 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan
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Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Suite of Standards to Reduce Pollution from Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants
Four final rules deliver on the Biden-Harris Administration’s day-one commitment to lead on climate action and to protect all communities from pollution
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Suite of Standards to Reduce Pollution from Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants
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EPA Celebrates Two Years of Progress Under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The agency has awarded more than $16 billion for projects across America that are strengthening infrastructure, making communities more resilient to climate change, and protecting human health and the environment
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Two Years of Progress Under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Largest Ever Clean-up under EPA’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to Address Milwaukee Area of Concern
Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding agreement between EPA and partners will invest an estimated $450 million to cleanup of nearly two million cubic yards of contaminated sediments
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Largest Ever Clean-up under EPA’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to Address Milwaukee Area of Concern
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La administración Biden-Harris lanza la histórica competencia de subvenciones de $20 mil millones para crear una red nacional de financiamiento limpio como parte de la agenda Invertir en Estados Unidos
La EPA procura recibir solicitudes para dos competencias del Fondo de Reducción de Gases de Efecto Invernadero para promover proyectos de tecnología limpia en comunidades de todo el país
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La administración Biden-Harris lanza la histórica competencia de subvenciones de $20 mil millones para crear una red nacional de financiamiento limpio como parte de la agenda Invertir en Estados Unidos
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La administración Biden-Harris lanza una competencia de subvenciones solares de $7 mil millones para financiar programas solares residenciales que reducen los costos de energía para las familias y promueven la justicia ambiental mediante Invertir en EEUU
La EPA procura recibir solicitudes a través del Fondo de Reducción de Gases de Efecto Invernadero para llevar energía solar a millones de hogares en comunidades de bajos ingresos y desventajadas, financiado por la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación
Comunicado de EPA: La administracion Biden-Harris lanza una competencia de subvenciones solares de $7 mil millones para financiar programas solares residenciales y promover la justicia ambiental mediante la Ley de Reduccion de la Inflacion
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Statement by EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan on National Agriculture Day
EPA News Release: Statement by EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan on National Agriculture Day
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EPA Celebrates Year One Accomplishments Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
$5.5 billion awarded through the law so far to modernize the nation’s infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, combat the climate crisis, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Year One Accomplishments Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA Celebrates Children’s Health Month, Highlighting Unprecedented Investment in Protecting Children’s Health
Historic levels of funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act will go towards protecting children
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Children’s Health Month, Highlighting Unprecedented Investment in Protecting Children’s Health
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Biden-Harris Administration and EPA Announce Actions to Improve Drinking Water and Wastewater Services for Tribes and Alaska Native Villages
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Provides $154 Million in New Resources
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration and EPA Announce Actions to Improve Drinking Water and Wastewater Services for Tribes and Alaska Native Villages
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President Biden, EPA Announce $1 Billion Investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Will Significantly Accelerate Cleanup and Restoration of Great Lakes
EPA Projects Work to Be Completed at 22 of 25 Remaining Great Lakes “Areas of Concern” by 2030
EPA News Release: President Biden, EPA Announce $1 Billion Investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Will Significantly Accelerate Cleanup and Restoration of Great Lakes
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EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
Agency actions address the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, protect the health of communities, and restore the role of science
EPA News Release: EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
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EPA Administrator Wheeler New York Post Op-Ed: Here’s how Team Trump will bust Cuomo’s gas blockade
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Wheeler New York Post Op-Ed: Here’s how Team Trump will bust Cuomo’s gas blockade
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EPA Chief Tells World to Buy "Cleaner" American Energy
EPA News Release: EPA Chief Tells World to Buy "Cleaner" American Energy
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