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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Awards Nearly $500,000 to Texas Organization to improve Air Quality in the Houston Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded $498,813 to the Achieving Community Tasks Successfully (ACTS) for a citizen science project to monitor hazardous air pollutants stemming from local pollution sources in Houston.
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EPA Announces Nearly $500,000 in Grant Funding for High-Risk Houston Communities
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that the Houston Health Department will receive grant funding to support community monitoring of hazardous air pollutants.
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Celebrating 25 Years of Binational Cooperation on the Improvement of Air Quality in Paso del Norte Region Airshed
EPA News Release: Celebrating 25 Years of Binational Cooperation on the Improvement of Air Quality in Paso del Norte Region Airshed
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Celebramos 25 años de cooperación binacional para mejorar la calidad del aire en la región de la cuenca atmosférica Paso del Norte
EPA News Release: Celebramos 25 años de cooperación binacional para mejorar la calidad del aire en la región de la cuenca atmosférica Paso del Norte
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