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Displaying 1 - 15 of 354 results
EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
EPA News Release: EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
- Release Date:
EPA Secures Agreement from Chemours to Conduct New Sampling for PFAS Contamination near Washington Works, WV Facility
Agreement Reflects Agency’s National Enforcement Compliance Initiative on Addressing Exposure to PFAS
EPA News Release: EPA Secures Agreement from Chemours to Conduct New Sampling for PFAS Contamination near Washington Works, WV Facility
- Release Date:
EPA Secures Agreement from Chemours to Conduct New Sampling for PFAS Contamination near Washington Works, WV Facility
Agreement Reflects Agency’s National Enforcement Compliance Initiative on Addressing Exposure to PFAS
EPA News Release: EPA Secures Agreement from Chemours to Conduct New Sampling for PFAS Contamination near Washington Works, WV Facility
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EPA Cites Dem-Con Metal Recycling for Clean Air Act Violations at Facility in Shakopee, Minnesota
EPA News Release: EPA Cites Dem-Con Metal Recycling for Clean Air Act Violations at Facility in Shakopee, Minnesota
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
As part of the Investing in America agenda, Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
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EPA Fines Cobalt Boats for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations in Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Cobalt Boats for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations in Kansas
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EPA’s Annual Enforcement Results Shows Significant Increase in Enforcement Activity to Protect Communities from Pollution
Revitalized Enforcement and Compliance Program is Delivering on 21st Century Environmental Challenges, Leading to Highest Enforcement Levels in Years
EPA News Release: EPA’s Annual Enforcement Results Shows Significant Increase in Enforcement Activity to Protect Communities from Pollution
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EPA settles with two Rhode Island companies for Clean Air Act violations
Cranston and North Kingstown, R.I. ammonia refrigeration facilities to pay penalties and evaluate hazards
EPA News Release: EPA settles with two Rhode Island companies for Clean Air Act violations
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EPA Fines Swift Beef Company for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Swift Beef Company for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Nebraska
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EPA Reaches Settlements Over Clean Air Act Violations at Ports in California and Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlements Over Clean Air Act Violations at Ports in California and Hawaii
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EPA Finalizes $585,000 Settlement with Lakeshore Railcar & Tanker Services in East Chicago, Indiana, for Alleged Violations of the Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes $585,000 Settlement with Lakeshore Railcar & Tanker Services in East Chicago, Indiana, for Alleged Violations of the Clean Water Act
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EPA Fines Lawrence, Kansas, Landfill for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Lawrence, Kansas, Landfill for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
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EPA requires Calumet Montana Refining to correct chemical risk management violations at Great Falls facility
Company pays fine, addresses Clean Air Act deficiencies
EPA News Release: EPA requires Calumet Montana Refining to correct chemical risk management violations at Great Falls facility
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FormFactor Inc. to Pay Penalty to Settle Claims of Clean Air Act Violations at Livermore Facility
EPA News Release: FormFactor Inc. to Pay Penalty to Settle Claims of Clean Air Act Violations at Livermore Facility
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