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Displaying 106 - 120 of 542 results
EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
New members include youth from Missouri and Iowa, charged with advising EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harm
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
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EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Grant programs part of largest state, tribal and community recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $90 Million in Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants
On America Recycles Day and Anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $90 Million in Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants
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EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and the anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
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Regional Tribes receive over $4M in EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
Tribes in EPA Region 8 developing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
EPA News Release: Regional Tribes receive over $4M in EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
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EPA Fines Altoona, Iowa, Company for Alleged Chemical Risk Prevention Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Altoona, Iowa, Company for Alleged Chemical Risk Prevention Violations
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EPA Begins Hazardous Materials Removal on Commercial Properties in Lāhainā, Maui
EPA News Release: EPA Begins Hazardous Materials Removal on Commercial Properties in Lāhainā, Maui
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Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
Mill Creek is once again flowing naturally after the diversion system and final berms were removed
EPA News Release: Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
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EPA Announces Nearly $2 Million in Cleanup and Climate Grants to Choctaw Nation
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized the Choctaw Nation for two grants totaling nearly $2 million.
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EPA Fines Red Star Yeast Company LLC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Red Star Yeast Company LLC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
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EPA Hazardous Materials Removal Work is Now 85% Complete on Maui
EPA personnel continue to focus on hazardous material removal and applying soil stabilizer to ash and debris to protect public health and the environment
EPA News Release: EPA Hazardous Materials Removal Work is Now 85% Complete on Maui
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EPA Announces $3.5M for Environmental Justice Projects in Communities Across Missouri
Funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, selections in Columbia, Kansas City, and Springfield announced as part of largest-ever investments under two longstanding EPA Environmental Justice grant programs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3.5M for Environmental Justice Projects in Communities Across Missouri
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EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Selection announced as part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant program funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Announces Over $2.5M for Environmental Justice Projects in Communities Across Iowa
Selections are part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement and Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $2.5M for Environmental Justice Projects in Communities Across Iowa
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $13 Million in California for Environmental Justice Projects as Part of Investing in America Agenda
California projects announced as part of nationwide investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative Agreement program, funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $13 Million in California for Environmental Justice Projects as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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