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Displaying 1 - 15 of 733 results
EPA Announces $300,000 in Funding to Three Small Businesses in Texas and Oklahoma for the Development of Environmental Technologies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing $300,000 in grant funding for three small businesses to develop technologies to address public health and environmental challenges.
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EPA Presents Over $175K Ceremonial Check to University of Northern Iowa for Pollution Prevention Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Presents Over $175K Ceremonial Check to University of Northern Iowa for Pollution Prevention Grant
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EPA Region 7 Celebrates New Electric Buses for El Dorado Springs Schools in Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Celebrates New Electric Buses for El Dorado Springs Schools in Missouri
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EPA announces $2.4M in funding for small businesses to develop environmental technologies
EPA News Release: EPA announces $2.4M in funding for small businesses to develop environmental technologies
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EPA Announces Funding to 7 Small Businesses in Southeastern States for the Development of Environmental Technologies
Several small businesses in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina to receive $100,000 of Phase I funding for six months for "proof of concept" of their proposed technology
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Funding to 7 Small Businesses in Southeastern States for the Development of Environmental Technologies
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EPA Adds Nine Additional PFAS to the Toxics Release Inventory
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Nine Additional PFAS to the Toxics Release Inventory
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EPA and Department of Energy announce $345M to reduce methane pollution from the oil and gas sector in Colorado and Wyoming
Colorado State University, Pioneer Energy Inc, and Blue Mountain Operations among awardees receiving $850M nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA and Department of Energy announce $345M to reduce methane pollution from the oil and gas sector in Colorado and Wyoming
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EPA Celebrates Pacific Islands Zero Waste and Resilience Accomplishments
Guam, the CNMI and American Samoa Made Significant Progress
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Pacific Islands Zero Waste and Resilience Accomplishments
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EPA Announces Over $10M to St. Louis Public Schools for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Seventy applicants tentatively selected to receive funding for over 2,400 zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, along with infrastructure and workforce development projects, to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $10M to St. Louis Public Schools for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles
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EPA New England accepting public comment on Draft Title V air permits for two offshore wind farm projects
EPA News Release: EPA New England accepting public comment on Draft Title V air permits for two offshore wind farm projects
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution
Strategy to spur domestic and international action to protect communities affected by plastic from production to waste
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution
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EPA New England issues a Draft OCS Air Permit for new offshore wind farm project
EPA News Release: EPA New England issues a Draft OCS Air Permit for new offshore wind farm project
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EPA Highlights Progress Achieved to Reduce Waste and Conserve Resources on America Recycles Day
EPA News Release: EPA Highlights Progress Achieved to Reduce Waste and Conserve Resources on America Recycles Day
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Biden-Harris Administration Makes Unprecedented Progress to Protect Communities from PFAS Pollution
New report highlights key EPA accomplishments under national strategy to confront PFAS “forever chemicals” in communities across the country
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Makes Unprecedented Progress to Protect Communities from PFAS Pollution
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La administración Biden-Harris logra un progreso sin precedentes para proteger a las comunidades de la contaminación por PFAS
Un nuevo informe destaca los logros clave de la EPA en el marco de la estrategia nacional para hacer frente a las “sustancias químicas eternas” de PFAS en las comunidades de todo el país
EPA News Release: La administración Biden-Harris logra un progreso sin precedentes para proteger a las comunidades de la contaminación por PFAS
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