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Displaying 1 - 15 of 30 results
EPA announces $194M to King County to improve wastewater infrastructure resiliency, protect Puget Sound
EPA News Release: EPA announces $194M to King County to improve wastewater infrastructure resiliency, protect Puget Sound
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces More Than $35 million to Selectees to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across the Great Lakes
New EPA Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant program is made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces More Than $35 million to Selectees to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across the Great Lakes
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Fort Lewis College students receive $75K EPA award for water sampling project to better detect bacteria in surface waters
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $75,000 to a team of Ft. Lewis College students for a water bacteria detection research project.
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EPA Expands Wastewater Infrastructure Program, Invites Rural Communities To Apply for Assistance
EPA News Release: EPA Expands Wastewater Infrastructure Program, Invites Rural Communities To Apply for Assistance
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EPA Investing Over $43 Million in New Funding to Protect and Restore San Francisco Bay and Its Watersheds
EPA will also open a new San Francisco Bay program office later this year
EPA News Release: EPA Investing Over $43 Million in New Funding to Protect and Restore San Francisco Bay and Its Watersheds
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45 states, large metro areas submit climate action plans under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
Key milestone reached as part of $5B Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program
EPA News Release: 45 states, large metro areas submit climate action plans under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $94 million WIFIA loan to upgrade wastewater infrastructure in New Lenox, IL
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $94 million WIFIA loan to upgrade wastewater infrastructure in New Lenox, IL
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EPA hosts “Road Show” in Commerce City to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
EPA’s Community, Equity and Resiliency initiative is supporting environmental justice communities to benefit from unprecedented Inflation Reduction Act funding
EPA News Release: EPA hosts “Road Show” in Commerce City to help communities access historic Investing in America funding
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EPA Accepts Applications for Pollution Prevention Projects in the Midwest
EPA News Release: EPA Accepts Applications for Pollution Prevention Projects in the Midwest
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EPA Awards Over $650,000 for Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Recycling Project
Grant funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $650,000 for Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Recycling Project
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EPA's Southeast New England Program announces additional $1.25M request for proposals to advance resilience in disadvantaged communities
EPA News Release: EPA's Southeast New England Program announces additional $1.25M request for proposals to advance resilience in disadvantaged communities
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$5.8 million for 15 Clean School Buses awarded to Worcester Public Schools
EPA News Release: $5.8 million for 15 Clean School Buses awarded to Worcester Public Schools
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EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
Projects to receive $11.5 million in funding, including $2 million for water-quality trading projects
EPA News Release: EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
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EPA grant to state of Louisiana will support Pesticide programs
EPA News Release: EPA grant to state of Louisiana will support Pesticide programs
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EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe receives $160,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
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