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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results
EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
EPA News Release: EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
As part of the Investing in America agenda, Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
- Release Date:
$12 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Environment of Long Island Sound
39 grants awarded to projects in New England and New York
EPA News Release: $12 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Environment of Long Island Sound
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Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
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EPA Region 7 and University of Missouri-Kansas City Partner to Promote Student Career Opportunities and Environmental Engagement on Campus
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and University of Missouri-Kansas City Partner to Promote Student Career Opportunities and Environmental Engagement on Campus
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EPA Regional Administrator to tout brownfields investments in Portland low-income housing
Agency has provided Oregon with $8.3 million to revitalize blighted sites
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator to tout brownfields investments in Portland low-income housing
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EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
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Biden-Harris Administration Launches EPA-USDA Partnership to Provide Wastewater Sanitation to Underserved Rural Communities
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Will Help Address Lack of Basic Wastewater Infrastructure in Lowndes and Greene County, Alabama
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Launches EPA-USDA Partnership to Provide Wastewater Sanitation to Underserved Rural Communities
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Launches EPA-USDA Partnership to Provide Wastewater Sanitation to Underserved Rural Communities
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Will Help Address Lack of Basic Wastewater Infrastructure in Bolivar County, Mississippi
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Launches EPA-USDA Partnership to Provide Wastewater Sanitation to Underserved Rural Communities
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EPA Announces $13.5 Million for the San Francisco Bay, Morro Bay, and Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Programs from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA releases guidance on how the agency will administer the program
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $13.5 Million for the San Francisco Bay, Morro Bay, and Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Programs from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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ATSDR Announces Eight Free Blood Lead Testing Events for Eligible Children and Women in Missouri’s Jasper and Newton Counties
Eligible participants will receive $20 gift card
EPA News Release: ATSDR Announces Eight Free Blood Lead Testing Events for Eligible Children and Women in Missouri’s Jasper and Newton Counties
- Release Date: