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Displaying 286 - 300 of 338 results
EPA Announces $3 Million in Brownfields Grants for Communities Across New York
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million in Brownfields Grants for Communities Across New York
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EPA awards Peoria $500,000 to clean up former Tabor property
Part of $1.2 Million for Illinois Brownfields Cleanup
EPA News Release: EPA awards Peoria $500,000 to clean up former Tabor property
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Greater Kansas City Metro Coalitions Receive $1.4 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment Projects
EPA News Release: Greater Kansas City Metro Coalitions Receive $1.4 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment Projects
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EPA awards $800,000 to Washington County to assess and clean up contaminated properties
Part of $2.1 Million of Brownfields Funds for Wisconsin
EPA News Release: EPA awards $800,000 to Washington County to assess and clean up contaminated properties
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City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
Funds to support environmental cleanup projects in Westside and along rail corridors
EPA News Release: City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
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EPA awards the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority $800,000 to clean up former industrial sites in Hamilton County
Part of $2.4 Million for Brownfields Cleanups in Ohio
EPA News Release: EPA awards the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority $800,000 to clean up former industrial sites in Hamilton County
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American Samoa Receives $300,000 from EPA for Revitalization of Contaminated Properties
EPA News Release: American Samoa Receives $300,000 from EPA for Revitalization of Contaminated Properties
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EPA Selects Seven Communities in Indiana to Receive $2.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Seven Communities in Indiana to Receive $2.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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EPA Selects Crawford County in Michigan to Receive $300,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Crawford County in Michigan to Receive $300,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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Waterloo, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Property Reuse Planning
EPA News Release: Waterloo, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Property Reuse Planning
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East Central Intergovernmental Association of Iowa Receives $600,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
EPA News Release: East Central Intergovernmental Association of Iowa Receives $600,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
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Missouri Department of Natural Resources Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
EPA News Release: Missouri Department of Natural Resources Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
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EPA Selects Eight Pennsylvania Projects to Receive $3.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Eight Pennsylvania Projects to Receive $3.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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La EPA anuncia una subvención de $300,000 para redesarrollo de propiedades en Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA anuncia una subvención de $300,000 para redesarrollo de propiedades en Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
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EPA Announces the Selection of 155 Grants for Communities to Receive Over $65 Million in Total Grant Funding for Brownfield Assessments and Cleanups Across the Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of 155 Grants for Communities to Receive Over $65 Million in Total Grant Funding for Brownfield Assessments and Cleanups Across the Nation
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