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Displaying 76 - 90 of 285 results
Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
EPA News Release: Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
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EPA releases 2-year milestone evaluations on Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort; cites challenges, progress and potential
EPA News Release: EPA releases 2-year milestone evaluations on Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort; cites challenges, progress and potential
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La EPA anuncia un préstamo WIFIA de $188.3 millones para mejorar y ampliar los servicios de agua en la Florida Central
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia un préstamo WIFIA de $188.3 millones para mejorar y ampliar los servicios de agua en la Florida Central
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EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
VareCo to pay $125K, settling alleged violations at multi-unit rentals
EPA News Release: EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
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EPA Announces $188.3 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade and Expand Water Services in Central Florida
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $188.3 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade and Expand Water Services in Central Florida
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EPA New England celebrates major milestone at Somersworth Superfund Site
Groundbreaking for the construction of a solar farm on reclaimed land is a first of its kind for New Hampshire
EPA News Release: EPA New England celebrates major milestone at Somersworth Superfund Site
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TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
EPA News Release: TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
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La EPA solicita comentarios públicos para la propuesta de limitar las descargas de aguas residuales de los buques dentro de la reserva acuática Indian River-Vero Beach hasta Fort Pierce
EPA News Release: La EPA solicita comentarios públicos para la propuesta de limitar las descargas de aguas residuales de los buques dentro de la reserva acuática Indian River-Vero Beach hasta Fort Pierce
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EPA Seeks Input on Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts NPDWRs Rulemaking Revisions
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Input on Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts NPDWRs Rulemaking Revisions
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TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
EPA News Release: TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
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Biden-Harris Administration, EPA and City of Detroit Celebrate Trailblazing Efforts to Remove Lead from Drinking Water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration, EPA and City of Detroit Celebrate Trailblazing Efforts to Remove Lead from Drinking Water
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EPA Announces $2 Million in Brownfields Cleanup Funding for Former OmniSource South Property in Fort Wayne
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2 Million in Brownfields Cleanup Funding for Former OmniSource South Property in Fort Wayne
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $42 million loan to strengthen water infrastructure, drought resilience in Utah
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $42 million loan to strengthen water infrastructure, drought resilience in Utah
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $19 Million in Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Louisiana Organizations
EPA announces initial selections from $2 billion Inflation Reduction Act program - the largest single environmental justice investment in history – delivered by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $19,944,576 in grant funding for the Dillard University and their partner United Way of Southeast Louisiana to help disadvantaged communities.
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EPA Awards $2.4M to Mid-Atlantic States to Support Wetlands Programs
Grants fund projects that target water pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $2.4M to Mid-Atlantic States to Support Wetlands Programs
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