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Displaying 241 - 247 of 247 results
EPA Directs City of Benton Harbor, Michigan, to Take Immediate Actions to Improve the Safety and Reliability of its Drinking Water
Agency Sets Schedule and Will Offer Assistance to Correct Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Directs City of Benton Harbor, Michigan, to Take Immediate Actions to Improve the Safety and Reliability of its Drinking Water
- Release Date:
EPA Công Bố Dự Thảo Kế Hoạch Chiến Lược Để Giải Quyết Biến Đổi Khí Hậu và Nâng Cao Công Lý và Công Bằng Môi Trường
Vietnamese press release: EPA thông báo rằng Dự Thảo Kế Hoạch Chiến Lược EPA Năm Tài Chính (FY) 2022-2026 của họ đã được công bố trong Sổ đăng ký Liên bang và có sẵn để lấy ý kiến công chúng đến hết ngày 12 Tháng Mười Một, 2021.
- Release Date:
国家环境保护局 (EPA) 发布应对气候变化以及促进环境正义与公平的战略计划草案
EPA Press Release: 华盛顿 — 国家环境保护局(以下简称“环保局”)今天宣布,2022-2026 财年 (FY) 环保局战略计划草案已在联邦公报上发布,公众可以在 2021 年 11 月 12 日之前提出自己的意见。战略计划中传达并提供了未来四年完成环保局及拜登-哈里斯政府要务的路线图。
- Release Date:
EPA to help schools in Oregon and Washington become Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
Schools will receive technical assistance to create cleaner air and neighborhood cooling refuges in vulnerable communities impacted by wildfire smoke and extreme heat events
EPA News Release: EPA to help schools in Oregon and Washington become Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
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EPA to Help Schools in Bay Area Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
The schools will receive technical assistance through a new demonstration program called Schools as Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers.
EPA News Release: EPA to Help Schools in Bay Area Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
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EPA to Help Pima County Schools Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
The schools will receive technical assistance through a new demonstration program called Schools as Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers.
EPA News Release: EPA to Help Pima County Schools Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA fines SoCal auto parts company over $152,000 for selling ‘defeat’ devices
Enforcement action undertaken jointly with California Air Resources Board
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA fines SoCal auto parts company over $152,000 for selling ‘defeat’ devices
- Release Date: