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Displaying 76 - 90 of 100 results
Connecticut Receives $360,000 to Expand Program to Test Drinking Water for Lead in Schools
EPA News Release: Connecticut Receives $360,000 to Expand Program to Test Drinking Water for Lead in Schools
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EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan to Embark on “Journey to Justice” Tour Through Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas
Week-long trip in November to focus on environmental justice, connecting with historically marginalized communities throughout the South
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan to Embark on “Journey to Justice” Tour Through Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas
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EPA to Hold Building Managers Responsible for Lead-Based Paint Safety Requirements
EPA News Release: EPA to Hold Building Managers Responsible for Lead-Based Paint Safety Requirements
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EPA Announces $424 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Quality and Climate Resiliency in Miami-Dade County, Florida
Nationally, 63 WIFIA loans are financing $26 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 73,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $424 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Quality and Climate Resiliency in Miami-Dade County, Florida
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Federal Interagency Working Group Reconvened to Improve Protections for Endangered Species and Enhance Transparency
EPA News Release: Federal Interagency Working Group Reconvened to Improve Protections for Endangered Species and Enhance Transparency
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EPA Announces $20 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Aging Water Infrastructure, Improve Climate Resiliency in Evanston, Illinois
Nationally, 62 WIFIA loans are financing over $25 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 71,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $20 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Aging Water Infrastructure, Improve Climate Resiliency in Evanston, Illinois
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EPA опубликовало проект Стратегического плана по борьбе с изменением климата и обеспечению экологической справедливости и равноправия
EPA Press Release: Впервые план EPA включает стратегическую цель, сосредоточенную исключительно на решении проблемы изменения климата, а также беспрецедентную стратегическую цель по обеспечению экологической справедливости и гражданских прав.
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وكالة حماية البيئة الأمريكية (EPA) تنشر مشروع الخطة الاستراتيجية للتصدي لتغير المناخ والنهوض بالعدالة والإنصاف في المجال البيئي
Arabic translation of draft EPA Strategic Plan
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U.S. to Sharply Cut Methane Pollution that Threatens the Climate and Public Health
EPA News Release: U.S. to Sharply Cut Methane Pollution that Threatens the Climate and Public Health
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La EPA lanza el Plan estratégico preliminar para abordar el cambio climático y avanzar en la justicia y equidad ambiental
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA anunció que el Plan estratégico preliminar para el año fiscal (FY) 2022-2026 se ha publicado en el Registro Federal y está disponible para los comentarios públicos hasta el 12 de noviembre de 2021.
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EPA Settlements Improve Safety at Facilities in Houlton and Searsport, Maine
EPA News Release: EPA Settlements Improve Safety at Facilities in Houlton and Searsport, Maine
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美國國家環境保護局 (EPA) 頒布應對氣候變遷並促進環境正義與平等的《策略計畫草案》
EPA Press Release: 我對 EPA 現在提出的《策略計畫》非常自豪,這個計畫以一開始就引導我們達成使命的原則為立基點,並透過對正義與平等的重視,進一步強化。EPA 是拜登─賀錦麗政府應對氣候變遷與環境正義議題的核心,因此我們的策略方針必須符合這些優先事項與價值,這點非常重要。
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Nagpalabas ang EPA ng Draft na Strategic Plan para Matugunan ang Pagbabago sa Klima at Advance Environmental Justice and Equity
Tagalog translation of EPA press release on draft strategic plan
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EPA Region 7 Responding to Mercury Spill at Residences in Wentzville, Missouri, Area
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Responding to Mercury Spill at Residences in Wentzville, Missouri, Area
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EPA Công Bố Dự Thảo Kế Hoạch Chiến Lược Để Giải Quyết Biến Đổi Khí Hậu và Nâng Cao Công Lý và Công Bằng Môi Trường
EPA Press Release: Hôm nay, Cơ quan Bảo Vệ Môi Trường thông báo rằng Dự Thảo Kế Hoạch Chiến Lược EPA Năm Tài Chính (FY) 2022-2026 của họ đã được công bố trong Sổ đăng ký Liên bang và có sẵn để lấy ý kiến công chúng đến hết ngày 12 Tháng Mười Một, 2021.
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