Statement from EPA Water Chief on PFAS
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water Assistant Administrator David Ross released the following statement:
“Despite what is being reported, EPA has not finalized or publicly issued its PFAS management plan, and any information that speculates what is included in the plan is premature. The agency is committed to following the Safe Drinking Water Act process for evaluating new drinking water standards, which is just one of the many components of the draft plan that is currently undergoing interagency review.”
EPA’s PFAS action plan will outline the agency’s approach to identifying and understanding PFAS exposures and addressing the PFAS challenge. The action plan is currently undergoing interagency review. EPA will be prepared to discuss the contents of the plan as soon as interagency review is complete, and the plan is public. For more information about EPA actions to address PFAS, please visit