Why has it taken EPA so long to fully define the physical boundaries of the Norwood Landfill site?
EPA did not conduct extensive historical research during the initial investigations in 2017 and 2018. EPA’s previous investigations were based on community request for an assessment of the Norwood Landfill. There was sufficient evidence at that time to move forward with sampling the areas specified by the community without conducting additional research into the history of the landfill.
EPA has since researched and obtained archival newspaper articles and records related to the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site. The records indicated an organized waste disposal and landfilling operation occurred on both the Old Norwood Dump and the Norwood Landfill parcels between approximately 1960 and January 1962, with a final cover of soil placed in areas of the landfill in the spring 1963.
EPA continues to conduct extensive historical research.