Oregon NPDES Permits
Click on the facility/permit name to view permit documents.
Location | Facility or Permit Name | Permit Number | Effective Date | Expiration Date |
Warm Springs Reservation | Warm Springs Kah-Nee-Ta Resort | OR0034100 | 2007-12-01 | 2012-11-30 |
Warm Springs Reservation | Warm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant | OR0032638 | 2021-07-01 | 2026-06-30 |
Warm Springs Reservation | Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery | OR0054917 | 2019-03-01 | 2024-02-29 |
Offshore Coastal Waters | General Permit for Offshore Seafood Processors in Federal Waters Off the Washington and Oregon Coast | WAG520000 | 2019-05-01 | 2024-04-30 |
Lower Columbia River | Discharge Permits for Federal Hydroelectric Projects in the Lower Columbia River (Bonneville Project, The Dalles Lock and Dam, John Day Project, McNary Lock and Dam) | WA0026778; WA0026701; WA0026832; WA0026824 |
2023-07-01 | 2028-06-30 |