Region 1 Draft New Hampshire Medium Wastewater Treatment Facility General Permit
EPA Region 1 is public noticing the Draft of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for the discharge of wastewater from medium-sized wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) in the State of New Hampshire (Permit Number NHG590000), referred to as the "New Hampshire Medium Wastewater Treatment Facility General Permit" ("Draft NH Medium WWTF GP" or the "Draft General Permit").
The Draft NH Medium WWTF GP proposes to authorize discharges of wastewater from publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) treating domestic sewage. Facilities eligible for coverage under the General Permit include those that discharge to fresh and marine waters in New Hampshire with a design flow between 1 and 5 million gallons per day (MGD). The Draft NH Medium WWTF GP proposes effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, reporting requirements and standard conditions. Specific eligibility and notification requirements are provided for in the Draft General Permit. See Attachment E of the Draft NH Medium WWTF GP in the link below for a list of the 21 eligible facilities.
EPA has published a Notice of Availability for this Draft General Permit in the Federal Register on November 13, 2024. The Draft General Permit, Fact Sheet, and additional supporting information are provided in the links below. The public comment period will be ninety (90) days and will close on February 12, 2025.
- Draft NH Medium WWTF General Permit (pdf)
- Part VII – Standard Conditions (pdf)
- Attachment A – Freshwater Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol, February 2011 (pdf)
- Attachment B – Freshwater Chronic Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol, March 2013 (pdf)
- Attachment C – Marine Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol, July 2012 (pdf)
- Attachment D – Marine Chronic Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol, November 2013 (pdf)
- Attachment E – List of Eligible Facilities and Facility-Specific Requirements (pdf)
- Attachment F – Reassessment of Technically Based Industrial Discharge Limits (pdf)
- Attachment G – Industrial Pretreatment Program Annual Report (pdf)
- Attachment H – PFAS Analyte List (pdf)
- Attachment I – List for Pollutant Scans (pdf)
- Draft NH Medium WWTF General Permit Fact Sheet (pdf)
- Appendix A – Reasonable Potential and Limits Calculations (pdf)
- Appendix B – Updated 7Q10 and Dilution Factor Analyses (pdf)
- Appendix C – Total Nitrogen Requirements in the Long Island Sound Watershed (pdf)
- Appendix D – Rationale on the Appropriateness of, and the Authority for, the Inclusion of the Wastewater Treatment System and Sewer System Adaptation Plan Requirements (pdf)
- Appendix E – EPA Region 1 NPDES Permitting Approach for Publicly Owned Treatment Works that Include Municipal Satellite Sewage Collection Systems (pdf)
- Appendix F – Ocean Discharge Act Determination for the Seabrook WWTF (pdf)
Please contact Michael Cobb at [email protected] to submit comments on the Draft General Permit or if you have any questions.
Additionally, EPA is making the following documents available during the public comment period to facilitate public review and comment. These documents include (1) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Summaries, (2) Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) and Limit Calculations, (3) Draft Authorizations. The "DMR Summary" presents effluent and ambient data during the 5-year review period of the permit. The "RPA and Limit Calculations" present calculations and results for metals, ammonia and phosphorus effluent limitations. The "Draft Authorization" shows effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other permit conditions that could apply to each WWTF under a finalized version of the Draft General Permit.
For comparison, the current individual permits for each WWTF are also available at