Ocean Dumping of Fish Wastes
The EPA may issue a permit under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA), for the ocean dumping of fish wastes in limited cases. An MPRSA permit is not required for the ocean dumping of fish wastes unless such dumping occurs in:
- harbors or other protected or enclosed coastal waters; or
- any other location where EPA finds that such dumping may reasonably be anticipated to endanger health, the environment or ecological systems.
How can dumping of fish wastes in the ocean affect the environment?
![Fish Waste](/sites/default/files/2015-07/fishwaste2.jpg)
Fish waste may include, but is not limited to, particles of flesh, skin, bones, entrails, shells or liquid stick water. Fish wastes degrade rapidly in warm temperatures. If not appropriately stored or managed, fish wastes create aesthetic problems and strong odors as a result of bacterial decomposition. The organic components of the waste have a high biological oxygen demand and, if not managed properly, high oxygen demand poses environmental and health problems. Some fish wastes are transported for dumping at sea. Environmental concerns associated with dumping of fish wastes into ocean waters include:
- reduced oxygen levels in the seawaters at the ocean bottom;
- burial or smothering of living organisms; and
- introduction of disease or non-native and invasive species to the ecosystem of the sea floor.
Examples of MPRSA Permits for Fish Waste
The EPA has issued MPRSA research and special permits for disposal of fish processing wastes in ocean waters off American Samoa. For fish processing waste disposal, the EPA also designated an ocean site off the coast of American Samoa. Disposal at this site is limited to the dissolved air flotation sludge, presswater and precooker water produced from fish processing operations at the fish canneries in American Samoa authorized by the MPRSA permits. The American Samoa fish processing waste ocean site is the only currently designated site for the disposal of materials other than dredged material. More information about MPRSA permits for fish waste in American Samoa.
International Guidance for Ocean Dumping of Fish Wastes
Guidance is available from the London Convention and London Protocol:
- the Waste Assessment Guidance includes a current version of the Fish Waste Assessment Guidelines; and
- the 2012 Guidelines for the Development of Action Lists and Action Levels for Fish Waste is available from IMO Publishing.