Virtual P2 Technical Assistance Modifying the Service Model During COVID-19
This webinar was intended to allow Pollution Prevention (P2) technical assistance professionals (TAPs) the opportunity to share the challenges and successes of providing technical assistance in the COVID-19 environment. Pollution prevention (P2) is any practice that reduces, eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source, also known as "source reduction” TAPs typically provide on-site assistance to help businesses reduce waste and pollution meaning less waste to control, treat, or dispose. This results in fewer hazards posed to public health and the environment.
EPA Region 4 and the University of Louisville Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center kicked off the first of three EPA Region 3 and 4 P2 Roundtables via webinars to offer training and networking opportunities for EPA Regions 3 & 4 P2 technical assistance providers. EPA P2 grant recipients shared experiences with providing assistance in the COVID-19 environment. For more information about the U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention Program, visit
- Keith Ridley, University of Tennessee
- David Ladner, Clemson University
- Keith Goossen, University of Delaware
- Watch a recording of this webinar.
- View the webinar slides below.
- Register for upcoming P2 webinars.
- Review past P2 webinars.