Responses to 40 CFR Part 75 Petitions - 2002
Posted below are EPA's responses (in chronological order) to submitted Part 75 petitions in 2002. Note that the actual, signed and dated response sent to the designated representative constitutes EPA’s official response and governs. When a response is posted below, EPA is not aware of any differences between the posted response and the actual, signed and dated response. EPA intends, and believes, that such differences -- if any -- will be minor and nonsubstantive. For more information, or to see petition responses from other years, return to Part 75 Petition Responses.
- Huron (pdf)
- Baytown Energy Center (pdf)
- Humbolt Bay (pdf)
- Potter (pdf)
- R W Miller (pdf)
- Ponca (pdf)
- C.C. Perry K Steam Plant (pdf)
- RRI Energy - Aurora (pdf)
- Red Hills Generation Facility (pdf)
- Doswell Limited Partnership (pdf)
- P.H. Glatfelter Company (pdf)
- Linden Cogeneration Facility (pdf)
- Baytown Energy Center (pdf)
- AES Beaver Valley LLC (pdf)
- Piney Creek Power Plant (pdf)
- Piney Creek (pdf)
- Hays Energy Center (pdf)
- C.C. Perry K Steam Plant (pdf)
- AES Warrior Run (pdf)
- Nodaway Power Plant (pdf)
- Essex Power Plant (pdf)
- St. Francis Power Plant (pdf)
- Chouteau Power Plant (pdf)
- Holden Power Plant (pdf)
- Bay Shore (pdf)
- AK Steel Corporation - Middletown (pdf)
- Kendall Energy Facility (pdf)
- Wading River Facility (pdf)
- Hagood (pdf)
- Urquhart (pdf)
- U.S. Steel Clairton Coke (pdf)
- Wansley (pdf)
- Marathon Ashland Petroleum (pdf)
- Mirant Chalk Point (pdf)
- Mirant Morgantown (pdf)
- Plant H. Allen Franklin (pdf)
- Mountain (pdf)
- Tolna (pdf)
- Lafarge Building Materials, Inc. (pdf)
- Lehigh Northeast Cement Company (pdf)
- Holcim US Inc. (pdf)
- Acadia Power Station (pdf)
- Agua Fria Generating Station (pdf)
- Crossroads Energy Center (CPU) (pdf)
- Indeck-Pepperell (pdf)
- Oswald Generating Station (pdf)
- Mooreland (pdf) <
- St. Nicholas Cogeneration Project (pdf)
- Sweetwater Generating Plant (pdf)