Technical Assistance Providers Serving Tribes in Region 10
Technical Assistance Providers
The following organizations partner with EPA to provide technical assistance to Tribes seeking help with administrative and environmental issues within Region 10.
- Region 10 Tribal Consortia: A Tribal consortium is a partnership between two or more tribes that work together to achieve a common objective. With funding from the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP), more than 20 consortia serve Tribes in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC): This statewide consortium provides technical assistance to Tribes throughout Alaska on a broad array of environmental and health issues and federal grants, including GAP.
- APEX Accelerators: APEX Accelerators (formerly PTAC) provides the education and training to ensure that all businesses become capable of participating in federal, state, and local government contracts, including:
- Completing registration with a wide range of databases necessary to participate in the government marketplace (e.g., SAM).
- Determining readiness for government opportunities and how to position to succeed.
- Navigating solicitations and potential funding opportunities.
- Receiving notifications of government contract opportunities on a regular basis.
- Networking with buying officers, prime contractors, and other businesses.
- Resolving performance issues and preparing for audits after receiving an award.
- Environmental Protection Network (EPN): EPN harnesses the expertise of over 550 former EPA career staff and political appointees to provide capacity-building technical assistance to under-resourced communities, non-governmental organizations, and state, local, and Tribal agencies disproportionately impacted by environmental and health issues. EPN helps organizations more effectively and meaningfully participate in government decision-making by helping them navigate EPA, potential grants, regulatory processes, federal policies. and publicly available data.
- Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP): Based at Northern Arizona University, ITEP works to strengthens Tribal capacity and sovereignty in environmental and natural resource management through culturally relevant education, research, partnerships and policy-based services. Issue areas include air quality, waste and response, and transportation.
- National Indian Health Board (NIHB): NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes. Assistance through the Technical Assistance Program includes:
- Grant writing courses.
- Targeted application assistance.
- Project evaluation trainings.
- Creating a clearinghouse of state-based grants for which Tribes are eligible.
- Highlighting success stories through social media.
- Tribal Healthy Homes Network: The Tribal Healthy Homes Network works to educate and empower Tribal communities, enabling them to build healthy homes, prevent disease, and promote wellness.
- Tribal Solid Waste Advisory Network (TSWAN): TSWAN addresses Tribal solid waste and environmental issues in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
- University of Washington Center for Environmental Health Equity: The UW Center for Environmental Health Equity and its partners provide technical assistance to Tribal and community organizations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington to strengthen their capacity and effectiveness in applying to and successfully managing environmental and energy justice (EEJ) grants and programs, including:
- Conducting environmental justice analyses and needs assessments.
- Identifying, preparing to apply, applying for, and managing EEJ grants and programs.
- Facilitating meaningful engagement with other EEJ stakeholders and decision-makers.
- Building capacity to strengthen and focus work on EEJ issues.
- Fostering community leadership in developing EEJ solutions.
- Engaging University of Washington graduate students in technical assistance opportunities.
- Willamette Partnership: The Willamette Partnership, Portland State University’s Institute for Tribal Government, and other partners have created a regional technical assistance center to serve communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington where environmental, health, and economic burdens and capacity constraints co-occur, especially in remote and rural areas. The partnership will provide technical support, training, and resources to help communities address their environmental and energy challenges and build resilience.
- Zender Environmental Health and Research Group (Alaska): Zender Environmental works with remote small communities and Tribes to identify and address the waste and water quality challenges they face.
National EPA-Tribal Partnerships
EPA also maintains Tribal partnerships with many national organizations that work directly with EPA to address Tribal environmental concerns:
- National Tribal Operations Committee
- National Tribal Caucus
- National Tribal Air Association
- National Tribal Water Council
- National Tribal Science Council
- Tribal Pesticide Program Council
- Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee
- National Tribal Toxics Council
- Tribal Exchange Network Group (TXG)
- National Environmental Justice Advisory Council
Learn more about these organizations on our Partnerships with Tribes page.