RTOC Meeting Materials: Spring 2017
EPA's Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Regional Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC) meeting materials (archived).
The information contained in the following documents do not necessarily reflect official EPA policy. If you experience a problem reading a document with assistive technology, please contact us.
Webinar Presentations
Zero Waste Events: Tribal Perspectives
Hear from Pala Band, La Jolla, Los Coyotes, and Santa Ynez Chumash Tribes about how they developed and implemented Zero Waste events for their communities. They'll share their experiences, barriers, and successes through a Tribal perspective. This webinar is sponsored by the Region 9 RTOC Solid Waste Workgroup.
Community Waste Characterization
Coyote Valley's Environmental Director Emily Luscombe and Ak-Chin’s Environmental Program Manager Lorinda Antone discuss their tribes’ efforts in conducting a waste characterization for their communities. The webinar showcases the steps taken to conduct a waste characterization, the barriers faced, and how their success has influenced their work since. EPA Region 9 Tribal Solid Waste staff Sebastian Beshk moderates.