Climate Resilience Webinar Series for the Northern Great Plains Water Sector 2/2
Date and Time
9:30 am - 12:00 pm MST
United States
Event Type
EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative and EPA Region 8 are hosting a free, two-session Webinar Series for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities, including Tribal utilities, in Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Utility representatives will gain a greater awareness of the impacts of climate change on water utility assets and operations, the available web-based tools for conducting a climate risk assessment, utility case study examples of climate adaptation planning, and resources for funding adaptive strategies that build resilience.
Continuing education units will be available for certified drinking water and wastewater operators from Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming [applications pending]. To receive CEUs, you must register, attend the entire training, and complete a short feedback form.
For questions about registering, or for more details, email Audrey Ramming at [email protected].