Data Tables - Health: Respiratory Diseases
The following data tables are available to view and download for analysis and visualization.
H1a: Percentage of children ages 0 to 17 years with current asthma, by sex, 2001-2019
H1b: Percentage of children ages 0 to 17 years with asthma, 1980-1996†
H1c: Percentage of children ages 0 to 17 years with current asthma who reported an asthma attack in the past 12 months, 2001-2019
H2a: Percentage of children ages 0 to 17 years reported to currently have asthma by age and sex, 2016-2019
H3a: Children’s emergency room visits for asthma and other respiratory causes, by race/ethnicity, ages 0 to 17 years, 2015-2018
H3b: Children’s emergency room visits for asthma and other respiratory causes, by age, 2015-2018
H3c: Children’s hospitalizations for asthma and other respiratory causes, by race†, ages 0 to 17 years, 2007-2010
H3d: Children’s hospitalizations for asthma and other respiratory causes, by age, 2007-2010