Circular Economy Implementation Plan Online Platform
The Online Platform contains the most up-to-date information on National Recycling Strategy and additional actions that represent the collaborative efforts of partner organizations. The actions seek to advance the domestic recycling system and lead our nation to achieving a circular economy. This platform aims to help interested parties identify opportunities to join in collective action and contribute their expertise to the effort. EPA invites the contributions of both new and current partners to continue to expand the content and ambitions contained within this Implementation Plan.
This platform contains the actions in the National Recycling Strategy and will reflect new actions proposed from the recycling community. EPA is seeking organizations to be leads or partners in responding to the actions. Through communication with action leaders, the information is updated regularly to convey progress, including completion of implementation milestones, new entities collaborating on actions, and links to relevant action outputs.
As subsequent Circular Economy Strategies are finalized, the Online Platform will reflect those additional actions.
Instructions: Click on an action in the table to display detailed information about each, including descriptions, background information, leaders, partners, implementation milestones, and target completion dates.
Objective | Action Title | Action Number | Status |
For more information about how to get involved with the National Recycling Strategy Implementation Plan or to receive periodic updates, please reach out to action leaders and partners, including EPA's team.