Methane Super Emitter Program: Certified Third-Party Notifiers
Under the Super Emitter Program, EPA-certified third parties may use EPA-approved remote-sensing technologies to collect data on potential super emitter events and provide that data to EPA. Visit EPA's Air Emission Measurement Center for information on how to become a certified third party.
Once an entity has been certified as a third-party notifier, it may start to submit notifications of super emitter events, consistent with the applicable regulatory provisions. The EPA will provide third parties with instructions for getting methane data system accounts set up once they are approved.
Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs
FAQs on data reporting requirements - These FAQs address topics such as how the program identifies and connects data to facilities and how EPA determines how to relay notifications to facilities.
FAQs about the methane detection technologies and entities using them - These FAQs address topics such as how technologies are approved and how people can partner with entities that have approved technologies.
EPA reviews data submissions from certified third-party notifiers for completeness and accuracy. If EPA determines that the submission is complete and does not contain information that it finds to be inaccurate to a reasonable degree of certainty, it will make that data viewable and searchable on the Data Explorer, available here.