Radiological Decontamination Query Tool – Urban Wide-Area Decon
Please note: The web page you are viewing requires JavaScript, and works best in Google Chrome. If you are unable to use the query on this web page, the information can also be found in the published PDF versions of the Technology Evaluation Reports. In addition, due to the complexity of some tables and graphics, some of our products are not amenable to a screen reader. If you have trouble accessing information contact Amelia McCall ([email protected]) and alternative accommodations will be made.
The information provided in the urban wide-area decontamination reports is the result of:
- 51 studies on the removal of cesium (Cs)-137 from anodized aluminum, asphalt, brick and mortar, ceramic tile and grout, mortar and grout, granite, granite and mortar, mortar, grout, limestone, marble, split-face granite, or unpainted concrete;
- 8 studies on the removal of americium (Am)-243 from split-face granite or unpainted concrete;
- 6 studies on the removal of cobalt (Co)-60 from split-face granite or unpainted concrete;
- 6 studies on the removal of strontium (Sr)-85 from split-face granite or unpainted concrete; and
- 3 studies on the removal of cesium (Cs)-137 from roofing materials, including asphalt shingles, membrane, wood shingles, clay tile and painted membrane.