Natural Gas STAR Program and Methane Mitigation
EPA collaborates with oil and natural gas operators and industry stakeholders to encourage the identification and implementation of technologies and practices to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Reducing methane emissions reduces operational risk, increases efficiency, and demonstrates company concern for the environment, with benefits spanning from climate change to air quality improvements to conservation of a non-renewable energy resource. Through the Natural Gas STAR Program, EPA facilitates technology transfer and implementation workshops and webinars, shares technical resources, and collaborates with oil and gas operators.
Methane Mitigation Technologies
Learn about key methane emission sources in the oil and gas industry as well as technologies and practices that can be used to reduce methane emissions from these sources.
30 Years of Impact
Learn about nearly 30 years of methane reductions and technology transfer through EPA’s Voluntary Partnerships with industry.
Equipment and Service Providers Directory
View a list of equipment and service providers that can facilitate methane emission reductions from oil and gas operations.
Videos about Methane
View videos about methane emissions in the oil and gas industry.
Technical Presentations
View technical presentations from Natural Gas STAR events.
Activities Around the World
Learn about what countries and international groups are doing to mitigate methane emissions.