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Displaying 1 - 15 of 209 results
EPA Announces $12 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize and Improve Wastewater Infrastructure in Delaware
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $12 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize and Improve Wastewater Infrastructure in Delaware
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $26 Million in Arkansas Through Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $26,830,000 for the state of Arkansas under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade water infrastructure and keep communities safe.
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Priest River couple pays $75,000 Clean Water Act penalty for streambank destruction on Priest River
EPA News Release: Priest River couple pays $75,000 Clean Water Act penalty for streambank destruction on Priest River
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EPA issues final PCBs reduction plan for Spokane River
EPA News Release: EPA issues final PCBs reduction plan for Spokane River
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EPA Announces $20M for Water Infrastructure in Idaho
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $20M for Water Infrastructure in Idaho
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EPA announces $885,000 for Idaho to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner, zero-emission solutions
EPA News Release: EPA announces $885,000 for Idaho to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner, zero-emission solutions
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EPA announces $24M in funding for clean water in Idaho schools, homes
New final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA announces $24M in funding for clean water in Idaho schools, homes
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Biden-Harris Administration Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water, Announces $29,810,000 in Funding to Arkansas to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
EPA announces new final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda for clean drinking water
The Biden-Harris Administration issued a final rule requiring drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years.
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Biden-Harris Administration Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water, Announces $24.9 Million in Funding to Delaware to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
EPA announces new final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda for clean drinking water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Protects Communities from Lead in Drinking Water, Announces $24.9 Million in Funding to Delaware to Provide Clean Water to Schools and Homes
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In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
Company’s $299,000 Supplemental Environmental Project will restore fish habitat in the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $267,000 in Grants to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water at Schools and Childcare Facilities in Arkansas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $267,000 in funding for Arkansas to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities.
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EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
EPA News Release: EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $100 Million for the organization Metroplan to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Arkansas and Oklahoma
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Metroplan will receive $99,999,999 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
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Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
Department of Transportation is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive portion of a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
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EPA announces $37 million grant to Nez Perce Tribe to cut climate pollution and improve air quality
EPA News Release: EPA announces $37 million grant to Nez Perce Tribe to cut climate pollution and improve air quality
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