Learn about Climate Adaptation at EPA
On this page:
- EPA’s Climate Adaptation Plan and Policy Statement
- Advancing Climate-Smart Infrastructure Investments
EPA’s Climate Adaptation Plan and Policy Statement
EPA's 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan focuses on priority actions the agency will take over the next four years to deliver on EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment as the climate changes. Developed in response to Executive Order 14008 - Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, the plan directed all EPA offices to proactively incorporate climate adaptation into the agency’s programs, policies, rules and operations, including modernizing financial assistance programs to encourage climate-resilient investments.
EPA is taking action to increase human and ecosystem resilience as the climate changes by consulting and partnering with states, Tribes, territories, local governments, community groups, businesses and other federal agencies to increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of the nation, with a focus on environmental justice. EPA’s commitments to tackle the climate crisis are also recognized in the long-term goals and objectives of EPA’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
To support these goals, twenty National Program Offices, Regional Offices and the Office of Policy developed individual Climate Adaptation Implementation Plans outlining the actions they will take to integrate climate adaptation into their programs, policies and operations. Particular attention is given to those actions that deliver co-benefits, including curbing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, and promoting public health, economic growth and environmental justice.
Advancing Climate-Smart Infrastructure Investments
Our nation and its communities face increasing levels of hazard exposure because of climate change. Investing in climate-smart infrastructure and proactively managing climate change risks builds the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities across the country. EO 14008 directs all federal agencies to build resilience against the impacts of climate change by promoting the flow of capital toward climate-resilient investments, managing climate-related financial risks and encouraging private sector investments in climate-smart solutions — particularly in underserved or disadvantaged communities.
In keeping with these policy goals, the Office of Management and Budget requested that all federal agencies address climate change when developing funding opportunities and reviewing proposed infrastructure investments, including the identification and consideration of climate-related infrastructure risks (see OMB’s Memorandum, Advancing Climate Resilience through Climate-Smart Infrastructure Investments and Implementation Guidance for the Disaster Resiliency Planning Act ( OMB M-24-03 (pdf) )). Considering resilience to climate change in these investments helps ensure federal funds are spent wisely and can achieve other important goals, such as:
- Achieving local flood resilience with the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard.
- Justice40 Initiative.
- Encouraging the adoption of nature-based solutions as resilience opportunities.
To learn more about these government-wide initiatives, see Additional Climate Topics.