Outreach, Training, and Scientific Integrity Materials
Implementing the Scientific Integrity Policy and fostering a culture of scientific integrity is most effective when all employees, contractors, grantees, and student volunteers understand the policy and how they contribute to EPA’s culture of scientific integrity. EPA’s scientific integrity program pursues opportunities to increase visibility and improve the program through outreach, training, new products, and other activities.
EPA’s scientific integrity program’s 2025 whiteboard training video “Introduction to Scientific Integrity at EPA” is an overview of scientific integrity, including EPA’s scientific integrity policy, how to report a scientific integrity concern, what constitutes a violation of the scientific integrity policy and important contact information and resources.
New Employee Onboarding Training
Since January 2017, all new EPA employees are required to take online scientific integrity training, which consists of a video of the Scientific Integrity Official conducting a training session. This training session features the introductory whiteboard video and discussion, followed by a short quiz. Showing this training to new employees helps them to establish a personal commitment to scientific integrity from the moment that they arrive at the Agency.
Outreach Materials
External Meetings
2021 Scientific Integrity Stakeholder and Partner Meeting
On June 15th, 2021, EPA held is biennial Scientific Integrity Stakeholder and Partner Meeting. Over 100 external stakeholders and partners attended the meeting. Dr. Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, EPA’s Science Advisor, and Janet McCabe, EPA’s Deputy Administrator, made introductory remarks. Dr. Alondra Nelson, Deputy Director for Science and Society in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) gave remarks on the Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking. EPA’s Scientific Integrity Official, Dr. Francesca Grifo, spoke about scientific integrity at the Agency and conducted a question and answer session. Slides from the meeting are posted below.
2021 Tribal Partner Meeting
On July 27, 2021, the EPA Scientific Integrity team hosted an external tribal partner meeting to provide insight to Scientific Integrity policy at the EPA.
JoAnn Chase, Director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) American Indian Environmental Office, was a guest speaker and participated alongside Dr Grifo in a robust Q/A session. Director Chase outlined the unique legal and political government–government relationship that the U.S. government has with tribal nations, forming the foundation of engagement with tribal partners
Dr. Francesca Grifo, Scientific Integrity Official at EPA, discussed Scientific Integrity Policy at the EPA. Dr. Grifo expressed hope for an open scientific culture and a culture of honest investigation, a firm commitment to evidence, and robust scientific inquiry and discussion, which creates public trust in science and allows EPA to do its best work.
Related EPA Documents on Scientific Integrity
The EPA Quality Program provides requirements for conducting quality management activities for all environmental information collection, production, evaluation, or use and environmental technology programs performed by or for the Agency. The primary goal of the program is to ensure that the Agency’s environmental decisions are supported by data of known and documented quality.
Quality Assurance Handbook and Guidance Documents for Citizen Science Projects