Local Organizations to Help You Soak Up the Rain
Many organizations can help you learn how to soak up the rain and protect your local waters. Through these organizations you may find training materials, workshops and other educational activities, demonstrations, and volunteer opportunities. A list including some of the organizations in each state is provided below.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
CT DEEP provides information about state stormwater regulations, Low Impact Development (LID), sustainable landscaping, native plants, and additional resources on these topics.
Contacts: Stormwater Regulations: Nisha Patel at [email protected] or 860-424-3840 Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Landscaping: Mary Sherwin at [email protected] or 860-424-3346
Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (CT NEMO)
CT NEMO primarily provides assistance to municipal officials and others on how to balance development and the protection of natural resources. CT NEMO can provide workshops on planning, stormwater, and low impact development (LID) topics.
Contact: Michael Dietz at [email protected] or 860-345-5225
Park Watershed, Inc. (formerly Park River Watershed Revitalization Initiative)
Park Watershed, Inc. collaborates within a diverse network of teachers, scientists, historians, artists, Boy and Girl Scouts, engineers, lawyers, and others to study local natural resources, share information, and complete site specific improvement projects. Through project work, such as building rain gardens, the group raises awareness about the benefits of green infrastructure and demonstrates ways in which citizens cultivate vibrant natural places.
Contact: Mary Pelletier at [email protected]
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Stormwater Program
To connect to state resources related to Soak up the Rain practices, contact Kathy Hoppe at [email protected] or 207-540-3134.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension provides educational materials, videos, and soil testing. Information also includes a rain garden fact sheet.
In southern Maine contact: Mary Gilbertson at [email protected] or 207-774-5961
Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Soil and Water Conservation Districts provide hands-on training on natural resource issues and technical assistance to landowners on a variety of land and water issues. Some of the Maine district offices have been involved with rain gardens. Contact the office nearest you for more information and to see if they are active in this area.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP), Stormwater
MADEP provides information about federal, state and local stormwater regulations and offers grants for water resource planning and restoration.
Contacts: Stormwater requirements: Laura Schifman at [email protected] or 617-556-1157
Grant opportunities: Malcolm Harper at [email protected] or 508-767-2975
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MACZM)
MACZM provides landscaping tips and offers grants to municipalities in Massachusetts coastal watersheds to reduce stormwater impacts from roads, highways, or parking areas.
Contact: Jan Smith at [email protected] or 617-626-1231
Blackstone River Coalition
The Coalition's Tackling Stormwater in the Blackstone River Watershed focuses on education and outreach to four audiences: homeowners, business owners, local decision makers, and developers/engineers, spotlighting low impact development practices and simple stormwater infiltration techniques.
Contact: Peter Coffin, Coordinator, at [email protected] or 508-753-6087
Eight Towns and the Great Marsh Committee (ETGM)
The committee works with homeowners to reduce stormwater, water pollution and water use through LID practices, organic landscaping, and other actions. ETGM and the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission also work with communities on stormwater bylaw development, establishment of stormwater committees, and infrastructure mapping
Contact: Peter Phippen, Coastal Coordinator, at [email protected] or 978-374-0519
Ipswich River Watershed Association
The Association promotes the Greenscapes Program and has installed demonstration projects at its Headquarters in Ipswich, including a native plant demonstration garden, rain garden, green roof, permeable paving parking lot, cistern, and rain barrel. Their website has factsheets, pictures and information about the practices.
Contact: Cynthia Ingelfinger, Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] or 978-412-8200
Massachusetts Watershed Coalition
The Coalition launched a Billion Gallons a Year campaign in 2012 to encourage homeowners, community groups, business and schools to cleanse polluted storm runoff. MWC offers workshops, guidance and demonstrations of simple low-cost practices to reduce runoff, and also assists towns with environmental planning and water restoration.
- A Community Guide to Growing Greener, Massachusetts Watershed Coalition, 2011 (pdf)
A set of guidelines for developers, designers and community boards intended to advance greener growth and cleaner water in Wachusett communities
Contact: Ed Himlan, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 978-534-0379
Mystic River Watershed Association
The Association promotes green infrastructure throughout the highly urbanized watershed, and has installed rain gardens, offered rain barrels to their membership, and coordinated a youth stormwater education program.
Contact: Beth MacBlane, Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] or 781-316-3438
Neponset River Watershed Association (NepRWA)
NepRWA partners with local municipalities to plan green infrastructure projects on public and private property. NepRWA, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, formed a coalition of towns dedicated to reducing impacts of stormwater pollution through its Neponset Stormwater Partnership. Staff have performed work on outreach and education, bylaw evaluation, and stormwater management planning for Town Departments.
Contact: Ian Cooke, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 781-575-0354 x 305
North and South Rivers Watershed Association
The Association promotes the Greenscapes Program to encourage environmentally-friendly garden and landscaping practices. They also work with schools to provide environmental education and help communities carry out stormwater bylaw review and development and install rain gardens, permeable pavement and other stormwater practices.
Contact: Debbie Cook, Marketing and Communications Director, at [email protected] or 781-659-8168
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
The Refuge's Slow the Flow Campaign encourages landowners in the Plum Island Estuary watershed to make lawn care and landscaping more environmentally friendly.
Contact: Nancy Pau, Wildlife Biologist, at [email protected] or 978-465-5753 x211
The Millers River Watershed Council, Inc.
The Council provides stormwater educational resources to towns and individuals throughout the watershed, as well as LID bylaw technical assistance to towns in the watershed's eastern half in Worcester County through a Section 319 Program grant in collaboration with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission.
Contact: Ivan Ussach, Watershed Coordinator, at [email protected] or 978-248-9491
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
The PVPC promotes the Greenscapes program and hosts Think Blue Massachusetts, a stormwater outreach campaign. Its environmental staff assists towns with environmental planning, bylaw review and development, and water quality restoration.
Contact: Patty Gambarini, Senior Environmental Planner, at [email protected] or 413-781-6045
Salem Sound Coastwatch
The organization promotes works with homeowners, businesses, municipalities, students and others to educate and encourage the use of environmentally-friendly landscaping and gardening practices through the Greenscapes Program, low impact development, and other management practices that conserve water, prevent toxic runoff and improve water quality.
Contact: Barbara Warren, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 978-741-7900
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
NH DES publishes several fact sheets and publications related to stormwater and watershed management. DES also hosts workshops/trainings and a Watershed blog, and can connect you to local watershed groups.
Soak Up the Rain New Hampshire (SOAK) is a voluntary program managed by NHDES with the goal of protecting and restoring clean water in the state's lakes, streams, and coastal waters from the negative impacts of stormwater pollution. Through SOAK, NHDES and local partners provide resources and technical assistance to help homeowners install rain gardens, rain barrels, dry wells, and other practices to manage stormwater on their properties. Find lots of information and resources, including SOAK stories about projects around the state.
Contact: Lisa Loosigian at [email protected]
University of New Hampshire (UNH) Cooperative Extension
UNH Cooperative Extension provides New Hampshire citizens with research-based education and information, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions that strengthen youth, families and communities, sustain natural resources, and improve the economy.
Contact: Julia Peterson at [email protected] or 603-862-6706
UNH Stormwater Center
The UNH Stormwater Center is dedicated to the protection of water resources through effective stormwater management. The primary functions of the center are twofold: (i) Research and development of stormwater treatment systems, (ii) To provide resources to the stormwater management community. The Center has numerous reports, and resources on stormwater management.
Contact: Jamie Houle at [email protected] or 603-767-7091
Hodgson Brook Restoration Project
Hodgson Brook is a seven mile long urban stream in the heart of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Over 38% of the watershed is covered by impervious roads, parking lots and rooftops which have led to poor water quality and high flows in the brook. Working with the city Department of Public Works, local businesses and community volunteers, residential rain gardens, rain barrels, tree box filters and bioretention areas are being installed throughout the watershed. Over time, these practices which collect, filter and infiltrate stormwater will help reduce the amount of pollutants and the volume of stormwater entering the brook improving its overall health.
Contact: Candace J. Dolan at [email protected] or 603-559-1529
Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP)
PREP works with 52 towns and over 70 organizations to keep Seacoast waters clean and healthy. PREP creates educational materials and outreach events to raise awareness about stormwater and water pollution in the Piscataqua Region. PREP also gives grants to local municipalities to implement water pollution protection measures in their towns. PREP launched the Clean Water Music Series (link to www.CleanWaterMusic.com) in 2012 to promote caring for the region's waters while enjoying performances from local musicians. Follow PREP on Facebook and X.
Contact: Jill Farrell at [email protected] or 603-862-0724
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM)
Connect to the various water quality programs and resources at RIDEM, including information about actions citizens can take to improve water quality. Some specific programs include:
University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension
URI Outreach Center
Information and programs for citizens, communities, government agencies, and businesses.
RI NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials)
NEMO provides training and resources to help local officials manage impacts of land use on water resources. Resources for municipal stormwater managers focusing on public education and outreach, are located at www.dem.ri.gov/ri-stormwater-solutions/
Contact: Lorraine Joubert at [email protected] or 401-874-2138
Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
As part of their stormwater management program, RIDOT has developed Rhode Island Stormwater Solutions, a statewide stormwater education and outreach project. This was produced in partnership with the University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension, the RI Department of Environmental Management and RI municipalities. The website offers educational materials and methods for the general public, stormwater managers, environmental educators, and businesses.
Contact: Allison Hamel at [email protected] or 401-222-2023 x4097
Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition
The Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition brings together partners across Rhode Island to promote nature-based solutions for reducing runoff pollution through public education and green infrastructure projects. They provide a list of green infrastructure projects in the Providence-Metro and Newport-Aquidneck areas and their residential Rain Garden project on Aquidneck Island was featured on an EPA Soak up the Rain Webinar.
Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District
The Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District's function is to take available technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, and focus or coordinate these resources to meet the needs of the local land user and promote the conservation of soil, water and other natural resources.
Contact: Sara Churgin, District Manager Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District at [email protected] or 401-934-0842
Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD)
NRICD is available for technical assistance with rain gardens and to develop and implement storm water outreach and education campaigns in Providence County and through collaborations throughout Rhode Island.
Contact: Gina DeMarco at [email protected] or 401-934-0840
Vermont Green Infrastructure Collaborative
An initiative of the VT Department of Environmental Conservation and the Lake Champlain Sea Grant Program at the University of Vermont, the VT Green Infrastructure Collaborative (GIC) aims to provide current data on green infrastructure performance and local application to resource managers. Through research and extension, the GIC aims to increase adoption of green stormwater infrastructure as a reliable tool to manage runoff.
Contact: Becky Tharp at [email protected] or 802-656-2514
Vermont Green Infrastructure Toolkit
The Vermont Green Infrastructure Toolkit is a project of the ten Regional Planning Commissions of the Vermont Association for Planning and Development Agencies (VAPDA) and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources' Watershed Management Division. In collaboration with the Vermont Planning Information Center, these webpages will serve as a clearinghouse of information useful to Vermont municipalities to explore how to promote the adoption of Green Infrastructure policies and practices to combat the problems caused by urban, suburban and rural stormwater runoff.
Contact: Dan Albrecht at [email protected] or 802-846-4490, ext. *29
Contact: Holly Kreiner at [email protected] or 802-288-8155 Ext 104
Lake Champlain Sea Grant
A cooperative program of the University of Vermont and SUNY Plattsburg, Lake Champlain Sea Grant develops and supports research, outreach, and education programs, including information on reducing the stormwater footprint of properties.
Contact: Rebecca Tharp at [email protected] or 802-656-2514
Chittenden County Stream Team
The Chittenden County Stream Team is a project to engage citizens across an eight-town area (Burlington, Essex, Essex Junction, Milton, Shelburne, South Burlington, Williston & Winooski) to implement projects to reduce non-point source pollution and stormwater volume at the local level. The project utilizes social networking tools to form a cadre of concerned citizens and professionals interested in hands-on activities to reduce the harmful effects of stormwater.
Contact: Holly Kreiner at [email protected] or 802-288-8155 Ext 104