Urban Waters and the Proctor Creek Watershed/Atlanta (Georgia)
Proctor Creek snakes through downtown Atlanta and eventually works its way to the Chattahoochee River. Along the way it passes through many neighborhoods including some of the most economically depressed areas of the city with high rates of poverty and crime.
The waterway is plagued with pollution erosion and high bacteria levels from regular stormwater flooding and sewage overflows. In particularthe poor ecological health of this urban creek is attributed to illegal tire dumping/litter and combined and sanitary sewer overflows (CSO) (SSO).
The communities surrounding Proctor Creek suffer public health threats related to flooding and pathogens released from sewer overflow discharges. As new development and gentrification occur environmental justice issues are also becoming more prominent. The area is also characterized by brownfields and little greenspace.
The community has increased their capacity to interface with many parties interested in addressing these issues. These parties are working to build partnerships with governments, NGOs, foundations, corporations and academia.
In 2013, the Urban Waters Federal Partnership designated Proctor Creek to be a priority Urban Waters location. The Partnership works to improve coordination and focus among federal agencies on problems in the watershed. The Partnership promotes community-led efforts at economic social and ecological revitalization. Partnership goals include:
- Water Quality Improvements for the Creek
- Create greenspace and increase the use of green infrastructure
- Research how downtown development contributes to increased stormwater and decreased public health
- Plan and implement projects to offset threats using the Proctor Creek Community approved PNA Study (Proctor Creek North Avenue)
- Engage communities to become stewards of Proctor Creek
- Advance economic development in the area
Proctor Creek Watershed Story Map
List of Partners
Federal Government
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- United States Geological Survey (USGS)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- United States Army Corps of Engineers(ACOE)
- Health and Human Services (HHS)
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Department of Interior (DOI)
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- United States Forest Service (FS)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- General Services Administration (GSA)
Non-Governmental Organizations
- Trust for Public Land (TPL)
- Conservation Fund
- Groundwork USA
- American Rivers
Non-Federal Partners
- Proctor Creek Stewardship Council
- West Atlanta Watershed Alliance
- Eco-Action
- HELPinc.org
- Invest Atlanta
- Georgia Environmental Protection Division
- City of Atlanta
- Mayors Office and Department of Watershed Management
- Dept of Parks and Recreation
- Public Works
- Park Pride
- Atlanta Botanical Gardens
- Fulton County Public Health Dept.
- Coca Cola
- Arthur Blank Foundation
- Turner Foundation
- Georgia State University
- Clark Atlanta University
- Spelman College and Morehouse College
- Georgia Tech
- Emory University and Emory Hercules Program
- Atlanta Beltline
- Atlanta Food Bank
- Georgia Power
- Emerald Corridor