Coordination Process for Approved Jurisdictional Determinations and Field Memoranda
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Joint Coordination Memorandum to the Field Between the U.S. Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the Pre-2015 Regulatory Regime: The purpose of this memo is to establish a process by which the Corps and the EPA will coordinate on Clean Water Act geographic jurisdictional matters to ensure accurate and consistent implementation of the pre-2015 regulatory regime, where that regulatory regime is operative.
- Pre-2015 Regulatory Regime Coordination Memo (pdf) (Includes June 2024 Memo Extending Coordination Process)
- Learn more about the pre-2015 regulatory regime.
Coordination Process Update
The below documents provide an update on the coordination process.
- Coordination Process Update (January 2025) (pdf) (Information in this update is current as of January 16, 2025)
- Coordination Process Update (August 2024) (pdf) (Information in this update is current as of August 16, 2024)
- Coordination Process Update (April 2024) (pdf) (Typographical error in Figure 1 corrected to match the text; information in this update is current as of April 23, 2024)
Memoranda to the Field
The Clean Water Act and the EPA and Corps' regulations, interpreted consistent with the Sackett decision, contain legally binding requirements. The memoranda listed below do not substitute for those provisions or regulations, nor are they regulations themselves. Thus, the memoranda do not impose legally binding requirements on the EPA, the Corps, Tribes, States, or the regulated community, and may not apply to a particular situation based upon the circumstances. To view associated approved jurisdictional determinations, please search for the given district identification number on the Corps' Jurisdictional Determinations and Permit Decisions Interface. Information is also available on the EPA's Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Determinations website.
Memoranda to the Field Implementing the 2023 Rule, as Amended:
- Memorandum on LRB-2021-01386 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of how to identify the wetland area which is then assessed under the jurisdictional standard.
- Memorandum on MVS-2023-00288 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of how to identify tributary reaches for purposes of assessing tributaries.
- Memorandum on NWP-2023-602 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether the specific subsurface storm drain at issue can serve as a continuous surface connection for adjacent wetlands.
- Memorandum on NAP-2023-01223 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific discrete features can provide a continuous surface connection for adjacent wetlands.
- Memorandum on POH-2023-00187 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific discrete features can provide a continuous surface connection for adjacent wetlands.
- Memorandum on NWS-2023-923 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of how to apply the waste treatment system exclusion.
- Memorandum on MVR-2023-0828 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific natural landforms can provide evidence of a continuous surface connection.
Memoranda to the Field Implementing the Pre-2015 Regulatory Regime Consistent with Sackett:
- Re-evaluate Jurisdiction NWO-2003-60436 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of how to identify the wetland area which is then assessed under the jurisdictional standard.
- Evaluating Jurisdiction LRL-2023-00466 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of when ponds are considered part of the tributary network.
- Re-evaluate Jurisdiction SAS-2001-13740 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses the concept of how to apply the waste treatment system exclusion.
- Memorandum on NWK-2022-00809 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific discrete features can provide a continuous surface connection for adjacent wetlands.
- Memorandum on SWG-2023-00284 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific discrete features can provide a continuous surface connection for an adjacent wetland.
- Memorandum on LRB-2023-00451 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether certain site specific features can provide a continuous surface connection for an adjacent wetland.
- Memorandum on NWK-2024-00392 (pdf) - This memorandum addresses whether site specific discrete features can provide a continuous surface connection for an adjacent wetland.