RPS Indicator Database
This page provides access to downloadable files which contain the indicator database of HUC12 subwatersheds in the contiguous U.S. as maintained by the EPA RPS Team.
Indicator Description File
This Excel file contains a table of all available HUC12 indicator names, definitions and data sources:
RPS HUC12 Indicator Descriptions (xlsx)
Indicator Data Files by EPA Region
The Excel files below contain HUC12 indicator data for EPA Regions 1 through 10. Each file contains a table of indicator values and a table of indicator names and descriptions. Note that HUC12s that straddle more than one EPA Region appear in all relevant files.
Indicator data for subwatersheds in Alaska, Hawaii and U.S territories are maintained separately from the RPS Indicator Database and are available in custom Excel RPS Tool files for those states and territories.
RPS HUC12 Indicator Data Files (xlsx) (Data updated)
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 1 (xlsx)
- Includes CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 2 (xlsx)
- Includes NJ, NY
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 3 (xlsx)
- Includes PA, WV, VA, MD, DE, DC
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 4 (xlsx)
- Includes KY, TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 5 (xlsx)
- Includes IL, IN, MN, MI, OH, WI
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 6 (xlsx)
- Includes TX, NM, AR, OK, LA
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 7 (xlsx)
- Includes KS, NE, IA, MO
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 8 (xlsx)
- Includes CO, WY, UT, ND, SD, MT
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 9 (xlsx)
- Includes CA, AZ, NV
RPS Indicator Data - EPA Region 10 (xlsx)
- Includes WA, OR, ID
Indicator Geodatabase
This Esri file geodatabase contains a shapefile of HUC12 polygons, a table of indicator values and a table of indicator names and descriptions:
- RPS HUC12 Indicator Geodatabase (zip) (last updated 09/17/2024)
The HUC12 shapefile in the geodatabase is the exact version of HUC12 polygons used for developing the RPS Indicator Database. The shapefile is consistent with the "Watershed Boundary Dataset Snapshot" version of HUC12 boundaries that was used for the National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus) Version 2. Note that other HUC12 shapefiles may have different boundaries due to changes in the Watershed Boundary Dataset over time.