Underground Injection Control National Technical Workgroup Final Issue Papers
Final Issue Papers prepared by the UIC National Technical Workgroup are available for review and download. This information should should be useful to state, territory, and tribal UIC program partners.
- NTW White Paper Subsurface Storage of Hydrogen Technical Considerations (pdf) This paper includes background information on H2 as an energy source, the current status of subsurface H2 storage, some technical issues of subsurface H2 storage, non-technical considerations (e.g., regulatory and resources) for subsurface H2 storage, and suggested next steps.
- Minimizing and Managing Potential of Injection-Induced Seismicity from Class II Disposal: Practical Approaches (pdf)
- Drinking Water Treatment Residual Injection Wells - Technical Recommendations (pdf)
- Injection Well Plugging and Abandonment Checklist (pdf)
- Annular Injection of Drilling Wastes Into Production Wells (pdf)
- Does a Fixed Radius Area of Review Meet the Statutory Mandate and Regulatory Requirements of Being Protective of USDWs Under 40 CFR 144.12? (pdf)
- Cementing Records Requirements in Direct Implementation Programs to Achieve Part II of Mechanical Integrity in Class II Injection Wells (pdf)
- Class I Fracture Slurry Injection - A Summary of the Technology and Recommendation for Implementation (pdf)
- An Underground Injection Control Program Summary of Regional and State Implementation of the Area of Review (pdf)
- National UIC Technical Workgroup Assistance for Directing the Class V Study on Type 5X14, Type 5X15, and Type 5X16 Injection Wells (pdf)
- Use of Annulus Additives to Address Leaks in Deep Injection Wells (pdf)
- Bibliography of Reports, Papers, and Presentations on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Petroleum Industry Wastes (pdf)
- Assessment of Potential Technical and Regulatory Issues Relating to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Class II Wells (pdf)