SmartWay Program Successes
EPA’s SmartWay program proves that saving fuel from goods movement significantly strengthens supply chain performance and generates returns that positively affect the economy.
Here are some key statistics about the SmartWay program's successes:
SmartWay Saves Money and Contributes to American Prosperity
- Transportation and logistics services play a vital role in the U.S. economy, supporting all industries in the delivery of materials and products to businesses and communities throughout the country. In 2022, U.S. business logistics costs (USBLC) amounted to $2.3 trillion, representing 9.1 percent of national GDP. In 2022, 72.6 percent of all U.S. freight tonnage moved on trucks; trucking revenues represent 80.7 percent of the nation’s freight bill.
- Over 8.4 million people are employed in trucking-related jobs in 2022, many in small businesses, supporting hardworking families in communities across America.
- Working with SmartWay, U.S. trucking companies have saved $55.4 billion on fuel costs.
SmartWay Saves Oil and Supports US Energy Independence
- Since 2004, SmartWay has helped its partners save 397 million barrels of oil- equivalent to eliminating annual electricity use in over 26 million homes. By helping America’s freight industry reduce its dependence on foreign fuel, we can invest more dollars at home and reduce our national trade deficit.
- Tractor, trailer, and equipment suppliers to the freight industry also rely upon SmartWay to verify the benefits of fuel-saving vehicles and equipment.
Thousands of Businesses and Organizations Rely Upon SmartWay
- Nearly 4,000 companies and organizations participate in SmartWay.
- These companies represent a broad cross-section of industries -- trucking, rail, barge, and air freight, and their customers -- and they rely upon SmartWay for:
Information on clean and efficient strategies to cut costs and emissions, including peer-to-peer learning;
A system to track and share environmental performance data;
A way to identify greener carriers and modes to fit shipping needs;
Metrics for use in sustainability planning and reporting.
- Over 200 major industry associations, non-governmental organizations, states and localities, and professional trade groups also participate as SmartWay Affiliates.
SmartWay Helps to Protect the Health of Americans
- Since 2004, SmartWay has helped partners avoid emitting 170 million metric tons of CO2, 2.8 million short tons of NOx, and 115,000 short tons of PM, which helps protect the environment and keep Americans healthy.
- Emissions reductions benefit communities near ports, borders, and truck stops, protecting the health and well-being of citizens in these areas.
SmartWay Demonstrates American Leadership in Green Freight
- Recognizing our inextricably linked U.S.-Canada commerce, energy and environmental cooperation, SmartWay, in coordination with Natural Resources Canada, offers North American businesses a single, seamless bi-national program.
- As part of a Global Green Freight Action Plan, which aims to develop green freight programs in other regions, SmartWay serves as a global role model.
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